
I am blessed to congratulate all fathers including my own on this special day, and do appreciate them for everything they did for us.j
No matter how old one is! They will need his guiding hands on their shoulders! Some day, you will understand that a sole father may be more than a hundred school masters.h
I kiss your hands dear father, and wish you health, long life, and happiness for ever
Also, I congratulate you all on Imam ALI's (A.S)kbirthdayk www.ali.nagheli5000@gmail.com
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 671
امتیاز مطلب : 18
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
ن :
ت : جمعه 3 خرداد 1392
If you would like to know anything about Persian language, go to that CONTINUE section www.ali.nagheli5000@gmail.com
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 959
امتیاز مطلب : 18
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 4
مجموع امتیاز : 4
ن : Ali
ت : چهار شنبه 1 خرداد 1392
æst, est (to be, is)g
= English is; German ist; Spanish esta,es; Latin est; etc.
madær (mother) = Eng. mother; Dutch moeder; Sp. madre; Grm. Mutter; Lat. mater; Greek meter; Hindi matri; PIE mater
pedær (father) = Sp. padre; Lat. pater; Grk. pateras; PIE pater
bæradær, bradær (brother) = Eng. brother; Du. broeder; Grm. Bruder; Phrygian brater; Latvian bralis; Armenian eghbayr; Hindi bhrata; PIE bhratar
dokhtær (daughter, girl) = Eng. daughter; Du. dochter; Grm. Tochter; Lithuanian dukte,dukterine; PIE dugheter
næ, ne (no) = Hind. næ; Eng. no; Sp./It. no; Lith. ne; Fr. non; Du. nee
ne-/næ- (prefix to make verb negative) = Lith. ne- (prefix to make verb negative)
nist (not) = Grm. nicht; Pol. nie
to, tu (you) = Sp./It./Fr. tu; Lith./Latv. tu; Grm. du; Irish tú; Faroese tú; Eng thou; Arm. dow; PIE tū̆ etc.
mæn (i,me,mine) = Eng. me,mine; Lith./Latv. man; Grm meine; Sp. me; etc.
nam (name) = Eng. name; Du. naam; Grk. onoma; Fr. nom; It. nome; Sp. nombre; PIE h'nomn
no, nu, nau, nava, novin (new) = Eng. new; Du. nieuw; Grm. neu; Fr. nouveau; Sp. nuevo; Hin. navina; Lith. naujas; Irish nua; Pol. nowy; Rus. novyj; Grk neos; Lat. novus; Arm. nor
setare, ester (star) = Hin. sitara; Eng. star; Grk. asteri; Du. ster; PIE h'ster
jævan (young) = Sp. joven; Lith. jaunas; Fr. juene; It. giovane
morde (dead, death) = It. morte,morto; Sp. muerte; Fr. mort; Lat. mortuus; Pol. martwy; Rus. mertvy; Hin. mrita
dadæn (to give) = Sp. dar; It. dare; Grk dino; Anct. Grk. dido; Pol. dawać; Ru. davat; Bosn. dati; Latv. dot; PIE do-
porsesh, porseju (question) = Ru. prosit (to ask),vopros (question); Sp. pregunta; Grk. parakalo (ask); PIE prs,presk- (question)
pendar (think, thought) = Eng. ponder; Sp pensar
æz, ze, z (from) = Grm aus; Rus. iz; Pol. z
derækht (tree) = Lat. drus; Ru. derevo; Pol drzewo; PIE dero,doru,dru
gærm (warm) = Phryg./Illyrian germe; Hin. garma; Arm. jerm; Grk. thermos; PIE gwher-
mush (mouse) = Eng. mouse, PIE mus
khers (bear) = Grk ursus; PIE hrtkos,bher; PIE k̑er(s)- (bristle,stiff hair)
gav, gau (cow) = Eng. cow; PIE gwous
kerm (worm) = Sanskrit krmi; PIE krmis
murcheh (ant) = Grk. murmos; PIE mouro
zanu (knee) = Fr. genou; Lat. genu; Anct Grk. gonu; PIE genu
naf (navel) = Eng. navel; Skt. nabhi-; PIE h'nobh
dændan (tooth) = Eng. dentist; Grk. odon/donti; Lith. dentis; Sp. dientes; Lat. dens; PIE h'dont
gush (ear) = Grk. ous; PIE hous
æbru (eyebrow) = Eng. brow/eyebrow; Grk ophrus; PIE bhruh
pa (foot) = Sp. pie; Fr. pied; It. piede; Latv. peda; Rus. pjata; PIE pods
kul, kule (back, something to put on back) = Lat. culus (back); PIE kuhlos (back)
pestan (nipple) = PIE pstenos (nipple)
ab, ap, ava, aua (water) = Lat. aqua; Sp. agua; Grk apopatos (water closet); PIE ab-
atæsh, azær, azer (fire) = Latin ater,ignis; PIE āt(e)r-
mah (moon) = Eng. moon; PIE meh'not/mens
ki (who) = It. chi [pro. ki]; Sp. quien [pro. kien]
che (what) = It. che [pro. ke]; Sp. que [pro. ke]
dær (door) = Eng. door; PIE dhwor-
sepas (thanks) = Rus. spasiba
zæn, zen, jhæn (woman/wife) = Bosn. zena; Rus. zhena (wife)
bærbær (barbarian) = Eng. barbarian; Ltn. barbarus; Anct. Grk. barbaros; Skt. barbara-
zæmin/zemin (Earth), Zeme (ancient Iranic god of the Earth) = Pol. Ziemiia; Rus. Zemlja; Lith. žemė; Latv. Zeme
zende (alive), zendegi (life), Anct. Pers. jiva (life) = Pol. Żywy (alive); Latv. dzīve(life)
læb (lip) = Eng. lip; PIE lē̆b-,lō̆b-,lāb-,leb-
meydan (city/park square or center) = Engl. middle; Sp. medio (middle); PIE medhi-, medhi̯o- (middle)
domb (tail) = PIE dumb-
chane (chin) = Eng. chin
bæd (bad) = Eng. bad
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1046
امتیاز مطلب : 17
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
ن : Ali
ت : چهار شنبه 1 خرداد 1392

I woke up with a pleasant sound this morning! Lying in my cosy bed, I was listening to the patter of soft rain outside! Every tinkle on the roof and the window, echoed in my heart! I enjoyed the sound, The melody of nature!k
I got up and looked out the window! It rained gently! Nobody was up yet! I felt a bit cold and returned to my cosy bed. I just tried to enjoy more in the silence. It seemed my stormy mind was solaced a bit !!! It made me recollect the memories of my childhood! I found myself murmuring the very famous poem of " Baz baran, ba tarane, ba goharhaye faravan mikhorad bar bame khane..." spontaneously! Beautiful it was !!! hh" Happy old days !!! " I said. h
I don't know what happened then that I felt like going to the yard! I stood right there face upward to the sky with closed eyes for a moment and listened to the water's real footstep! k
Inexpressible it was, as if the time stopped ! It soothed my grieves with its peaceful rhythmic sound!f
May be my heart was thirstier than the earth ! Who knows ???!!! MAY BE...h
By Pardis

To see the water's footstep, go to the continue section www.ali.nagheli5000@gmail.com
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 907
امتیاز مطلب : 8
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 2
مجموع امتیاز : 2
ن :
ت : جمعه 27 ارديبهشت 1392
w-Who has the strongest fingers in the world?h
h- A miser, because he's always pinching pennies
To pinch means "to squeeze tightly in one's fingers". A person who pinches pennies - a penny-pincher - is a person who does not like to spend money. Another name for this sort of person is a miser.h
Michelle's swimming teacher told her to buy a nose plug, because she always pinches her nose before she dives in the pool. Michelle is a bit of a miser, so she was going to buy the cheapest one she could find. The teacher told her not to pinch pennies, because a cheap nose plug wouldn't work well.m www.ali.nagheli5000@gmail.com
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 901
امتیاز مطلب : 15
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 3
مجموع امتیاز : 3
ن :
ت : جمعه 27 ارديبهشت 1392

The first FRIDAY night of " RAJAB" is famous for the " the night of wishes". It is a unique opportunity to pray for the fulfillment of your wishes.h
Actually, prayer is the most powerful weapon against downfall, the most effective medicine against sickness, and the most valuable gift to someone we care!k
No life ever grows great by itself until it is dedicated, focused and disciplined ! Also, no life is ever happy until it is lived for the glory of ALLAH! So,m
My Dear Good GOD,m
those who are reading this, help them live a beautiful life, promote them and cause them to excel beyond expectations! Help them to shine in the darkest places and give them LOVE where it is impossible. Above all, give them the beautiful heaven!g
This special night, I'll pray for YOU, your health, wealth, success, happiness, knowledge, long life, and for YOUR good luck!k
May GOD fulfill all your wishes and maintain a good smile on your face for ever!k
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1180
امتیاز مطلب : 1
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 1
مجموع امتیاز : 1
ن :
ت : چهار شنبه 25 ارديبهشت 1392
Lay: is a regular verb and means " put down carefully"; however, its spelling changes.k
lay - laid - laid / laying
I laid the papers on the table.m
Lay the tent down on the grass and I'll see how to put it up.h
Lie: It can be either irregular or regular with different meanings.k
Lie ( irregular) : means "to recline or put oneself in horizontal position".k
Lie - lay - lain / lying
Don't lie in bed all day. Get up and do some work.k
Lie ( regular ) : means "saying things that are not true".m
Lie - lied - lied / lying
You lied to me when you said you passed the driving test.m www.ali.nagheli5000@gmail.com
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 769
امتیاز مطلب : 8
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 2
مجموع امتیاز : 2
ن :
ت : چهار شنبه 25 ارديبهشت 1392
Hiiiiiiii dear friends ! Hope u r fine and having fun!k
It's exam days and everyone is getting ready for the final exams . I wish the best of luck 4 u u
It is unfair ! Why we have to take an exam 4 all the subjects one after the other as if the teachers r in a haste or else we r leaving the wonderful school ?!!! . I wonder if a single teacher can't teach us all the subjects, then how could they expect a single student to learn all the subjects ?!!!g
Any how ! To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream,w
not only plan, but also believe !w
So, I believe we can pass all the subjects successfully !! u
Best wishes for your exams my dear friends  k
Also, my dear English teacher,g
I lost the opportunity to congratulate u the Teacher's day!l
But Sir ! According to all the students, a good teacher is who:r
should be absent at least 3 times a week
should come in class 10 minutes late and leave the class 10 minutes earlier
should not give any homework and assignments
should not ask any questions to students
should not disturb the students by teaching while they are talking g
( Of course a joke! We all love our teachers .Just exams...h)
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 807
امتیاز مطلب : 8
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 2
مجموع امتیاز : 2
ن :
ت : شنبه 21 ارديبهشت 1392
I would like to declare a big thank you to our friend PARDIS for her valuable efforts in all this time in keeping the weblog live and kicking in my absence.
Also, I would like to congratulate her in the recent success she has gained in passing ILI's exam.
Wishing her all the best www.ali.nagheli5000@gmail.com
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 868
امتیاز مطلب : 9
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 2
مجموع امتیاز : 2
ن : Ali
ت : چهار شنبه 18 ارديبهشت 1392

Teaching is a special gift ! There's a talent and art in helping others learn and grow ! u
Here, my great appreciation is aknowledged to all my teachers who contributed to my education and of course to my experience during my lifetime!Thank you all, my dear teachers!k
Happy Teacher's Day www.ali.nagheli5000@gmail.com
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 932
امتیاز مطلب : 6
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 2
مجموع امتیاز : 2
ن : Ali
ت : پنج شنبه 12 ارديبهشت 1392