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What's happiness

خوشبختی چیست

  One says happiness is being under no bond        یکی می گوید "خوشبختی یعنی آزادی از هر قیدو بند"

Another says "It's just a mirage or a sweet dream"i  دیگری می گوید: "خوشبختی سراب یا رویایی شیرین بیش نیست

Or it's an abstract context with no similarity in the world   یا خوشبختی مفهومی ذهنی است که هیچ عینیتی در دنیا نمی یابد

But is happiness really a sun with no rising      اما آیا واقعا خوشبختی خورشیدی است که هیچ وقت طلوع نمی کند

or a horizon which is beautiful but unaccessible?i      یا افقی زیباست اما دست نیافتنی؟                      

Is it like zephyr , scented but ephemeral?i            آیا آن واقعا مثل نسیم معطر و گذراست                  

It is really a white swan whose nest is no where?i?  یا چوت قوی سپیدی است که هیچ کجا آشیان نمی کند؟

No, I beleive happiness is a white dove that has nest in honesties' alter نه من ایمان دارم خوشتختی کبوتر سفیدی است که در محراب صداقتها آشیان دارد

And a gift, when and where you love people, may you enjoy this granting  و هدیه ای است که هر موقع و هر جا مردم را دوست بداری ارزانی توست

I beleive happiness is a share, a share of life; so  ایمان دارم خوشبختی تنها تقسیمی است تقسیمی از زندگی پس:

Shall we share the world          بیا دنیا را میان خود تقسیم کنیم

Vale be mine              دره مال من     

Hill be thine               کوه را تو بردار

Let's range like floods              مثل سیلها بخروشیم

Stream be mine                  رود مال من

Sea be thine              دریا مال تو 

As we are close               ما که مثل چشم و ابرو

Just like eyes and eyebrows                       کنار هم هستیم

Tears be mine           اشکها مال من

Eyes be thine            چشمها مال تو

Let's hold dear nights and days              شبها و روزها را گرامی بداریم

Sun be thine                        خورشید مال تو

Moon be mine                  ماه مال من

I share the world with thee                   من دنیا را با تو شریکم

Without us there is no laughter                    بی ما نه زمستان را خنده ای است

For spring or winter                         و نه بهار را

We can share all we have in life               در زندگی همه چیز را می توانیم تقسیم کنیم

But we have a love                      عشقی داریم اما

Undevidable                تقسیم ناپذیر       


 Published by permission    



:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1186
امتیاز مطلب : 15
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 4
مجموع امتیاز : 4
ن :
ت : چهار شنبه 18 بهمن 1391

What Do Language Teachers Need To Keep In Mind



:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1140
امتیاز مطلب : 18
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
ن : Ali
ت : سه شنبه 17 بهمن 1391

Tie the knot

ازدواج كردن

Some marriage ceremonies actually tie together the wrists of the bride and groom.
Webster defines "tie" as "to unite in marriage".

I understand you want a baby, but don't you think you should tie the knot first. In fact maybe you should get a girlfriend first


:: موضوعات مرتبط: English Idioms , ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1248
امتیاز مطلب : 16
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 4
مجموع امتیاز : 4
ن : Ali
ت : سه شنبه 17 بهمن 1391


1. Third conditional

"If I would have known about the party, I would have gone to it."  
This is INCORRECT, although commonly used, especially in American English.
The correct form is:
If + had + past participle, would + have + past participle
* "If I had known about the party, I would have gone."  
This is CORRECT.

2. Don't vs Doesn’t

"He don’t care about me anymore."
Doesn't, does not, or does are used with the third person singular - words like he, she, and it.
Don't, do not, or do are used for other subjects.
* "He doesn’t care about me anymore."  
This is CORRECT.

3.  Bring vs Take

"When we go to the party on Saturday, let’s bring a bottle of wine."
When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of arrival, use “bring”:
* "When you come to the party, please bring a bottle of wine."
This is CORRECT.
When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of departure, use “take”:
* "When we go to the party, let’s take a bottle of wine."
This is CORRECT.

4.  Fewer vs Less 

Sign at the checkout of a supermarket: “Ten items or less”.
You can count the items, so you need to use the number word “fewer”.  These nouns are countable.
* "Ten items or fewer."
This is CORRECT.
If you can’t count the substance, then you should use “less”.  These nouns are uncountable.
* "You should eat less meat."
This is CORRECT.

5. However

"We were supposed to go to the dance last night, however, it was cancelled because of lack of interest." 
A semicolon, rather than a comma, should be used to link these two complete sentences:
* "We were supposed to go to the dance last night; however, it was cancelled because of lack of interest." 
This is CORRECT.
It should be noted that there ARE situations in which you can use a comma instead of a semi-colon:
* "The match at Wimbledon, however, continued despite the bad weather."
This is CORRECT. 
There is only one complete sentence in this example. It is not a compound sentence.

6. Have vs Of

"I never would of thought that he’d behave like that."
It should be would have:
* "I never would have/would’ve thought that he’d behave like that."
This is CORRECT.
It’s the same for should and could:
"He should of come with me."
* "He should have/should’ve come with me."
This is CORRECT.
* "She could have had anything she wanted."
This is CORRECT.

7. Double negative 

"I'm not speaking to nobody in this class."
Since 'not' is a negative, you cannot use 'nobody' in this sentence:
* "I'm not speaking to anybody in this class."
This is CORRECT.

8. Present perfect

"He has took the train."
The correct form for the present perfect is:
would + have + past participle
* "He has taken the train."
This is CORRECT.

9.  Went vs Gone 

"I should have went to school yesterday."
The correct form is:
should + have + past participle
* "I should have gone to school yesterday."
This is CORRECT.

10.   Its vs It's

"Its going to be sunny tomorrow."
It’s is the contraction of It is:
* "It’s going to be sunny tomorrow."
This is CORRECT.

"What’s that? I can’t remember it’s name."
Its is a possessive pronoun that modifies a noun:
* "What’s that? I can’t remember its name."
This is CORRECT.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1133
امتیاز مطلب : 20
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 7
مجموع امتیاز : 7
ن : Ali
ت : دو شنبه 16 بهمن 1391




Usually we choose the correct form by instinct

For example

I am a teacher. (not me)

Give that to me. (not I)

There are other times when people make mistakes with these two pronouns. I/me is difficult when it is coupled with another pronoun or with a noun. This is when you have to think about the subject/object in a sentence.

We use I as the subject of the sentence, but the object of the sentence is me

For example

"It was I who did the homework," or "It was me who did the homework."

Make the statement simpler

"I did the homework." so "It was I who did the homework," is correct.


The teacher gave the homework to my friend and me. (Not I)

!If you don't understand why the above sentence is correct, simplify the sentence again.

Deal with the two people separately.

The teacher gave the homework to my friend.
The teacher gave the homework to me.

 The teacher gave the homework to my friend and me



:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1164
امتیاز مطلب : 14
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
ن : Ali
ت : دو شنبه 16 بهمن 1391

 Wrong : I have visited Niagara Falls last weekend

Right : I visited Niagara Falls last weekend


Wrong : The woman which works here is from Japan

Right : The woman who works here is from Japan


Wrong : She’s married with a dentist

Right : She’s married to a dentist


Wrong : She was boring in the class

Right : She was bored in the class


Wrong : I must to call him immediately

Right : I must call him immediately


Wrong : Every students like the teacher

Right : Every student likes the teacher


Wrong : Although it was raining, but we had the picnic

Right : Although it was raining, we had the picnic


Wrong : I enjoyed from the movie

Right : I enjoyed the movie


Wrong : I look forward to meet you

Right : I look forward to meeting you


Wrong : I like very much ice cream

Right : I like ice cream very much


Wrong : She can to drive

Right : She can drive


Wrong : Where I can find a bank

Right : Where can I find a bank


Wrong : I live in United States

RightI live in the United States


WrongWhen I will arrive, I will call you

Right When I arrive, I will call you


WrongI’ve been here since three months

RightI’ve been here for three months


WrongShe doesn’t listen me

RightShe doesn’t listen to me


WrongYou speak English good

RightYou speak English well


WrongThe police is coming

RightThe police are coming


WrongI didn’t meet nobody

Right I didn’t meet anybody


:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1209
امتیاز مطلب : 16
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
ن : Ali
ت : دو شنبه 16 بهمن 1391

In the red

پول نداشتن

Standard practice for accounting is to record positive numbers in black ink and negative numbers in red ink. Operating "in the red" is to record negative numbers, that is to say losses.

No doubt red ink was chosen because it is a clear contrast for black and is not easily mistaken. However there is a bit more history to the red ink.

In medieval times the church, being the only center of literacy and learning in the west, maintained meticulous accounting records. Ink was rare and expensive. When monasteries and far-flung churches had little money and they could not afford ink, domesticated animals were bled to provide a substitute in the dipping wells. As a result, poor financial records were usually written "in the red.

Putting kids through college is sure to put you in the red


:: موضوعات مرتبط: English Idioms , ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1312
امتیاز مطلب : 19
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 7
مجموع امتیاز : 7
ن : Ali
ت : یک شنبه 15 بهمن 1391

Keep your pants on

صبور باش

Appears to suggest that one should calm down because romance is not imminent.

 will be off the telephone in a minute, so keep your pants on


:: موضوعات مرتبط: English Idioms , ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1323
امتیاز مطلب : 18
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
ن : Ali
ت : یک شنبه 15 بهمن 1391

In the black

درآمد داشتن

Standard practice for accounting is to record positive numbers in black ink and negative numbers in red ink. Operating "in the black" is to record positive numbers, that is to say earnings.

Live below your means and you will always be running in the black


:: موضوعات مرتبط: English Idioms , ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1317
امتیاز مطلب : 15
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 4
مجموع امتیاز : 4
ن : Ali
ت : یک شنبه 15 بهمن 1391

The contest of Grammar was given to all the visitors of this blog. Unfortunately we didn't have many participants and among those few participants, SAMANEH ranked 80% gaining the first position. I do congratulate her


:: موضوعات مرتبط: علی , ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1435
امتیاز مطلب : 22
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
ن : Ali
ت : یک شنبه 15 بهمن 1391

تعداد صفحات : 41

The only Writer
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