اصطلاح kick the bucket يه اصطلاح عاميانه است به معني مردن
(kick the bucket (informal to die
Didn't you hear? He kicked the bucket. Had a heart attack, I think
Origin Theory
A common theory is that the idiom comes from a method of execution such as hanging, or perhaps suicide, in the Middle Ages. A noose is tied around the neck while standing on an overturned bucket. When the bucket is kicked away, the victim is hanged
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 654
Automobile - Another word for car Mechanic - A person who repairs cars Brakes - The device that causes a car to slow or stop Accelerator - The device that causes a car to speed up Steering wheel - The control that turns the car right or left Headlights - The lights on the front of the car Taillights - The lights on the rear of the car Indicators - The lights that show that a car is turning left or right Petrol - The British word for gas/gasoline Battery - The device that supplies electrical power to the car Bumpers - The soft front and back parts of the car Hood - The front of the car (bonnet in UK English) Trunk - The back of the car, used for storage (boot in UK English) Convertible - A car with a removable top Pick-up - A small truck Hatchback - A car with a hatch door at the rear Mileage - The number of miles that a car has done
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 587
> Like many words in English, ‘culture’ has many meanings. When we use it in the context of ‘Culture and Arts’, it means forms of art that are appreciated by people with good taste.
> :Here is a list of words and phrases associated with culture and arts
- .Philosophy: is the love of wisdom and knowledge. Famous - - philosophers: were Plato, Socrates and Aristotle - Opera: is a style of singing originating in Italy. - A tenor: is a singer with a deep and strong voice. - A soprano: is a singer with a high voice. - Ballet: is a form of graceful dance. - A ballerina: is a ballet dancer (female). - Literature: refers to books, especially those with a better quality of writing. - Sculpture: is an art form that uses objects rather than paintings. - A sculptor: forms sculptures. - A museum: houses works of art and historical objects. - A gallery: is used to display works of art. - A curator: is a person in charge of a museum. - A portrait: is a painting of a person. - A concert: is a musical performance. - A musician: is a person who plays music. - An orchestra: is a group of musicians (usually classical musicians).
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 510
In a hot summer day on my way going home, I saw a little boy sitting in a corner of a street. He was wearing a shabby shirt and pyjamas. His face was unwashed and dirty. He pulled every passer-by's pants and begged money repeatedly. He was actually a beggar. I couldn't see how much money he got; perhaps he got nothing. I felt pity and sorry for him. I'm used to feeling so. I bought an ice-cream for him. He grasped and looked at me with open eyes. First he was surprised and then I saw a nice smile on his face. He was so happy as if I bought a bicycle for him.
I paused and wanted to ask what his name was but said to myself: "Does he really have a name?Does he have any parents to choose a name for him? There is no child in the world without name. But where have they gone his dear mother and father? " I said these things to myself and desided not to ask his name. I didn't want him to feel ashamed of having no name. I passed and thought of that tragic scene. I burst into tears in my heart. I am a ..., you are a student, businessman, selfemployed, etc. Everybody is somebody. But what is he now and what is he going to be in future??? Only a beggar, a beggar, and a beggar...h
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 491