اطلاعات کاربری
درباره ما
آخرین مطالب
نظر سنجی
دیگر موارد
آمار وب سایت

i-What kind of pool can't you swim in?i

i-A car pool

A pool is a small body of water. It can also refer to a common supply of something, such as money, that can be used by a number of people. For example, when people drive together in the same car to save gas and money, it's called a car pool.i

John and Brittany, along with several of their school friends, were invited for a swim at Garcias' pool. The Garcias' house was far away and the kids wanted to drive together to save gas. They went in two car pools and spent the whole afternoon swimming.i


i-What suit lasts longer than you do?i

i-A lawsuit

A suit is a set of matching clothes that are worn together, especially for business wear. A lawsuit is an action taken in a court to secure justice.i

Mr. Kim was worried. Today he had to appear in court because a lawsuit was being brought against him. Of course, he dressed up in his best suit for the trial so that he would look nice for the judge and jury.i


i-What has a fork and mouth, but cannot eat?i

i-A river

A fork is the pointed tool you use to carry food from your plate to your mouth. But a fork is also the place where a river or a road splits and goes in two different directions. The mouth of a river is where the river enters the ocean.i

A: Look up ahead! There's a fork in the river. Which direction should we take?i

B: Stay to the right. That's the side that leads down to the mouth of the river. We'll be there in about two more hours.i

A: Two hours! Let's get out of the boat then, and find a place to eat. I'm hungry, and the only mouth I care about right now is mine!i

B: All you ever think about is a knife and fork...i


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